White tea by Jing Tea Shop

Down white tea memory lane

Spring 2022 Fuding Bai Hao Yin Zhen


I take pleasure in storing white tea for several years before bringing it out to drink. Long before white tea became a trend in tea circles, and before aged white tea became a market concept, my master had already taught me that aged white tea possesses a gentle character, making it especially suitable for daily consumption by the elderly. Furthermore, tea brewed for an extended period can serve as an auxiliary treatment for children’s skin rashes.

tea times with Jing - white tea yin zhen 2022

My master once shared with us a rare batch of Bai Hao Yin Zhen (Silver Needle) from his personal collection—an airtight tin of Zhenghe Bai Hao Yin Zhen from 1966, its surface marred with patches of rust. He said, “Savor its taste and aroma carefully. Once you’ve experienced authentic aged white tea, you won’t be easily deceived as you travel through the tea world.” In the days that followed, we sampled aged white teas from the 1980s, 1990s, and early 2000s. Once you establish a standard, you won’t be led astray. Those were memorable times around 2004. The oldest white tea in my own collection is a Zhenghe Bai Mu Dan from 1988, followed by a Fuding Baihao Yin Zhen from 1998.

Whenever I come across a good vintage, I set some aside, and from time to time, I brew a little. Just like this particular batch of Silver Needle—not very old, but since it rests conveniently in a box behind my tea table, it has often become my most frequent companion.

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